mobility based metapopulation

Net-COVID Session3A: Human mobility and control measures in the COVID-19 epidemic by Sam Scarpino

Colloquium: Network epidemiology: A complex systems' approach towards epidemic control

IBEST-IMCI Seminar: Song Gao

COVID-19 Pandemic spread simulation Eng.Sub | Simulation de la pandémie de COVID-19 par modèle GLEAM

ENM2020 - W29T2 - Questions and Answers

Emergent encoding of dispersal network topology in spatial population models - Prajwal Padmanabha

Yanni Xiao Dec 8 2021 at Bordeaux IMB Infectious Disease Outbreaks

CCS22: Network-based interventions to stop dengue propagation - Jesús Gómez Gardeñes

Prof. A. Rizzo 'Epidemic modeling and forecasting'

River networks as ecological corridors: species, populations, pathogens

COVID-19 Risks in Urban Space: A Human Mobility Perspective with Fengli Xu

Network Epidemiology Tutorial at NET-COVID workshop

Life Session: The physics of epidemic spreading by Alex Arenas

Data Science Against COVID-19 - Nuria Oliver | Duke ECE

UM EEB Seminar: Malin Pinsky, Rutgers University

Nuria Oliver | Data Science against COVID-19

Epidemic Modeling & Forecasting: A journey from the cocktail assumption to agent-based computations

Network Models in Infectious Disease Dynamics: some problems of inference and control

Smartphones v COVID 19

Nuria Oliver - The Big Promise of Big Data Analytics - Day 1 - ACM womENcourage 2020

Mathematical models for infectious diseases surveillance

Net-COVID Session3B-2: Group Updates - Parallel Session 2: Understanding Transmission/Spread

Modelling parasite-produced marine diseases of immobile hosts

Giulia Bertaglia - Uncertainty quantification of the spatial spread of epidemics